At my birthday last week, I got a fantastic new laptop. It’s a Lenovo Yoga 3 pro. To be honest it was originally a Macbook pro, but I could replace it with the mentioned model. The main reason, why I want a Windows laptop is the fact that I can (easily) replace the operating system (OS) with Linux.
After trying out Windows 8.1 for a couple of hours, I realized that Microsoft made a lot of progress with their latest OS version. The interface looks clean and tidy and everything seems to work as expected. Only the Microsoft Service Agreement is unacceptable. However, I don’t have the impression, that my new laptop is under my control. So I switched to Fedora 21. Turning off UEFI was not strait forward, but as soon as the Linux live image booted, I could overwrite Windows on my disk.
Now I synchronize my home directory with our home server, where it resided in the last couple of years. Autofs is connecting the server shares when requested. Wireless internet is provided by our blackhawk router. To make a long story short. I am really happy, how well my computer infrastructure works. Thanks to my lovely wife, who (together with my parents) provided silicon luxury for me.
Since I have now fantastic tools, there is no excuse, not to start or continue my other projects.
- Make digital music easily accessible to everybody in the household. (Btw. did you see the Nuimo). I am thinking about pulse audio and a few satellite mini computers connected to speakers in different rooms.
- Work on home automation (heating). Security is gold. I will never connect door locks to this system. Not only because of high-tech burglars but also not to be trapped in case of fire.
- Write more frequently for this blog.
I am determined to report about progress I could make. My technological vein is recovering. Suggestions welcomed.