The discussion about net-neutrality is currently in its hot phase. It looks like net-neutrality lost and it’s even unclear, if this decision has been make some time ago as a deal between the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the Council of the European Union (to name discussion partners, which are relevant for my world).
At first sight it looks like a conflict of interest for my ISP, because he wants to improve his services to keep me happy as a customer, rather than make big complications and sophisticated price models. Even from a technical point of view, keeping net neutrality is much easier and simpler.
But from a economical perspective it makes a lot of sense to work against net neutrality. Different price models based on speed and transmission preference might give ISPs additional profit. Diversification makes products from different vendors difficult to compare and leads to higher prices due to lack of competition. Certain services, like video on demand, might be excluded from cheaper offers, while the expensive ones give their customers the preference over others.
I hope other infrastructure providers (for e.g power suppliers) won’t copy this ideas. Imagine how their cheaper offers might look like: Electricity or water is only available for me during off-rush hours. If my richer neighbour wants to take a shower, I have to wait. And after my late night bath, I can empty my bath tube not before 3am. I can drive our car only when nobody else is on the road, unless I want to pay a high toll.
If I follow all these guidelines will be supervised via my net connection. Hopefully at least for these services there will be net neutrality.