Author Archives: Andreas Wernitznig

About Andreas Wernitznig

I was born in Klagenfurt and live in Vienna/Austria since 1989. I am a data scientist at a large pharma company.

Eaten alive by Google

James Whittaker wrote in his blog, why he left Google as an employee. It seems like the formerly innovative technology pioneer has turned into a company with a mission. The mission to spy in our privacy. Since Google is part … Continue reading

Posted in Netlife | 1 Comment

Who is a VIP?

Last week I got an invitation from a large clothes shop named Peek & Cloppenburg. I have a loyalty card for a couple of years and I am buying clothes there from time to time. Now they are offering a … Continue reading

Posted in Shopping | 1 Comment

Reasons for this blog

In the last couple of month, I realized how much our daily life is negatively influenced by large enterprises. There was an article in the German magazin “Der Spiegel” about sugar, that shows that the food industry is not providing … Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy | 5 Comments